Johnathon Wood

Software Engineer - Teacher - Traveler



Hi, I’m Johnathon. Nice to meet you.

Currently I work as a Junior Web Developer for a small Healthcare Company (ComplyAssistant) helping add new features with Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and jQuery. Outside of work I am building a React.js flashcard application.

My journey into Web Development began in 2018, when I was working as an ESL Instructor for the largest private English School in South Korea, Chungdahm Learning.(청담러닝) My classroom and textbooks were all conducted on a flatscreen TV, with students downloading textbooks on tablets. My tablet empowered me to help students quickly analyze a reading passage, check for comprehension, or edit their own movies. Seeing how these apps dramatically increased student engagement, I quickly followed my curiosity to a wealth of free materials on Codeacademy, freeCodeCamp and Udemy.

Like web developers, teachers are active problem solvers who need grit and patience to make a difference. They both are constantly learning, improving and must be able to execute a detailed game-plan. This is why I’m so excited to keep building, learning and helping make applications that make people’s lives better.

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